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大規模でも小中規模サービスでも捗る microservices な Web サービスのつくりかた How to develop by microservices way

YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2015

Self introduction

Don't on this このセッションでやらないこと

Merit of microservice

Demerit of microservice

microservices is Buzz word!

Actually that way is basic way for us / 実は普通の開発手法なんです
I will clarify it in this session / このセッションで説明します

In the world before Web 2.0

CGI / FORM tag as a Web API

I begin a talk of Perl4(a little time)

裏で Perl6 の話してるので、すこし Perl4 時代の話をします。

new component deployment

限定キャンペーンの為に mkdir して FTP して FTP soft で chmod 0755 して release

scale out

スケール戦略は、新しいレン鯖を借りれば OK

Web 2.0 as a microservices

Web Service API これらは要するに microservice の考えそのものです。 それが中にあるのか、外にあるのか

Back to the our service


For small services

Demerit on a small service

You should do the monolithic architecture on a small service 小さいサービスでは、モノリシックなコードで運用すべき

But can do on a small service for microservices


Let's go up the stairs

最初は model で書く、そのうち分離が必要になったら model を別サーバの API の client にして、元からあった model の実装を別サーバ上で提供する

MVC structure as a microservices


Please write by the common way

package Amon2Proj::Web::C::API;
sub foo {
  my($class, $c) = @_;
  my $data = Amon2Proj::M::Foo->bar({ ... });
package Amon2Proj::M::Foo;
sub bar {
  my($class, $input) = @_;
  return +{ ... };

Job Queue/Worker model


* * * * * setlock /tmp/ cron/

# in
# Amon2Proj->bootstrap and some tasks

TheSchwartz enqueue

package Amon2Proj::M::Foo;
sub bar {
  my($class, $input) = @_; # you should validation to $input
  $job = TheSchwartz::Job->new(
    funcname => 'ImageResize',
    uniqkey  => $input->{item_id},
    arg      => [ foo => 'bar' ],
  return 1;

TheSchwartz worker

package ImageResize {
  use base qw( TheSchwartz::Worker );
  sub work {
    my($class, $job) = @_;
    my $item_id = $job->uniqkey;
    # to image resize
package main;
my $client = TheSchwartz->new( databases => $DSN );

Take it easy, but please mind to common sense and good sense

The structure design of this stage is very important


For middle scale services

What should we do on the middle?


Separation timing

When do you separate components from the core service? いつ分離しよう?

特定の機能専用のサーバを作るタイミング どういう時に別サーバにするか?

My way is the same as DRY programing

DRY の為にコードをコピペせずにメソッド化するのと同じで、複数のサービスで同じことをしなくても済むように、独立したサービスとして運用するのです。 ただし一般ライブラリ単体で可能な機能だけを提供するサービスを作るのは無駄です

eg. 電話番号フォーマット check API だけ作るとか

Exception case

May you separate complex components by core service? メンテナンスに手間がかかるモジュールを利用するコンポーネントなどは独立すると捗る

but thoese functions provided by popular Web Services. You can use it if your company's law be allowed.

How do I run for plural projects management?

実質的に複数の service を抱えるので増える管理の手間をどう乗り越えるか?

Deploy method

Easy to deploy system is most important on this phase. you can choose the thin shell script system.

このフェーズで一番大事なのは Deploy の簡単さ rsync / remote shell 簡単な shell script でも OK



You must have backward compatibility



Basically, we use HTTP-JSON API.


# in Amon2Proj/
  'Web::JSON' => { status_code_field => 'status' }
# in your
package Amon2Proj::Web::C::API;
sub foo {
  my($class, $c) = @_;
      status => 200, # create `X-API-Status: 200` response header


use JSON::XS;

my $json = JSON::XS->new->ascii;
my $json_data = $json->encode(+{
  fooFount => $foo_count+0, # cast to IV (because sometime Perl cast to SV in internal)
  isBar    => JSON::XS::true(),
  name     => "$name",

$data => $json->decode($json_data);


package Amon2Proj::M::Foo;
use Furl::HTTP; use JSON::XS;
sub bar {
  my($class, $input) = @_; # you should validation to $input
  my $json = JSON::XS->new->ascii->encode({ count => $input->{count} });
  my $hirom = Furl::HTTP->new;

  my(undef, $code, undef, $headers, $body) = $hirom->post(
      'Content-Type'   => 'accplication/json',
      'Content-Length' => length($json)
  return $code == 200 ? 1 : 0;

In Java8


public WebResponse hooPost(@JsonParam HooPostReqestObject req) {
  String name = req.getName();
  return renderJSON(200, new HooResponseObject("foo", 1, name));

Very easy!

Service metrics



For big



@startuml ../imgs/web2.0-1.png

cloud "Own iDC" {
  package "" {
    [ App1 ] as app1
  package "" {
    [ App2 ] as app2

cloud "Hatena" {
  package "Mackernel" {
    [ API ] as mackernel
  package "Bookmark" {
    [ API ] as bookmark
  package "OAuth hatena" {
    [ API ] as hoauth


cloud "Mixi" {
  package "OAuth mixi" {
    [ API ] as moauth

cloud "FreakOut" {
  package "AD Server" {
    [ API ] as ad

app1 -> ad
app1 -> mackernel

app2 -> ad
app2 -> mackernel
app2 -> bookmark
app1 -> hoauth
app1 -> moauth



Why do you make to microservices?

Team buildling

You will let an expert work

専門家がいるなら、その専門家に特定のサービスだけ作ってもらえばよい あなたが専門家なら、それをすればよい

Last Summary

You should anytime write the good components! 正しいコンポーネント化が重要

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